It is our hope and prayer that the seeds planted in Guatemala will grow into something, many things actually, beautiful and strong; artwork and network that will stand for change and progress; opportunities that will continue to grow, unstopping in their expansion beyond boundaries; educational opportunities that we can all latch onto and learn from; art that will be around long after we are all gone.  
-Company Directors, Garrett "Spaghetti " Minniti & Ahkai Franklin

Check out some highlights from Sinestecia, our collaboration production with Espiral Danza and 10-days of classes and choreography with the students at DS Guatemala!


La Chopina Bonita (The PRetty stove)

Rotary Club Guatemala’s Pretty Stove Project, is a philanthropic effort which has major implications to the social and economic climate in Guatemala, and even physical well being of many small Guatemalan communities.  Outside of the capital city there are many families who cook their meals using an open fire, which have become a growing concern due the general construction of most homes combined with a fluctuating national economy.  Families, primarily women and children are developing major health problems from prolonged exposure to smoke, which gets caught inside due to poor ventilation.  Price of wood is up, and it is not uncommon for a child's job to be to find enough wood to cook for the next day.  The financial burden is increasing exponentially as each family spends more funds on wood needed for cooking and heating and eventually on medicine and doctor's visits.  The demand for firewood has even become a national concern of deforestation.  

The ‘Pretty Stove’ project provides relief in all areas of this growing social-economic crisis.  Only $30 buys the materials for a stove that contains the fire and safely ventilates the smoke outside of the home or kitchen which eliminates the the problem of breathing smoke.  Containing the fire allows the wood to burn hot for an extended amount of time, which means less tinder required to keep the fire going, AND allows for greater cooking production.  The surface of the stove distributes the heat evenly allowing each family to cook larger quantities of food simultaneously.   

Carlos Galvez, philanthropist, entrepreneur and creator of La Chopina Bonita, told us heart warming stories of families who are NOW able to congregate and enjoy time together in the kitchen, which we all know is the heart of any home, after receiving a stove.

To date, around 9,000 stoves been built!  However, the need for this product is great, estimated to be around 2 Million stoves!  

For information on donating, please email us at!